Another mix I received from an exchange with a
friend of mine on, and it follows the trend of enjoyable, well-made mixes my friends have been making and I've been posting lately. Starts off with one of my all time favorite Sarah songs and continues down the relatively obscure twee, jangle pop, and indie pop path, with a mix of modern and vintage songs intermingled. The mix didn't come with a title so I just borrowed the title (ironically in a sense, as the title and theme of the mix are completely opposing) from Another Sunny Day's opener. Clocking in at just over 35 minutes, and consisting of only 12 tracks, its short and sweet as mixes should be (I tend to overdo mine and go for the 80 minute mark. Can't help it, it's in my nature). Another fantastic one, and expect more to come in recent days. Carlo made me a new one which I'll be posting soon and is darker than the darkest night. Just a forewarning...

01) Another Sunny Day - You Should All be Murdered
02) My Favorite - Detectives of Suburbia
03) Animals and Men - Teenage Beat
04) Black Tambourine - I Was Wrong
05) Burning Hearts - Various Lives
06) Cats on Fire - Higher Grounds
07) Tetsuo - Dealership
08) Pipas - Its Wednesday
09) Fat Tulips - Clumsy
10) Sambassadeur - La Chanson de Prevert
11) Everyday Mistakes - A Wrong Turn and Rainbows
12) My Favorite - Homeless Club Kids
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